Friday, October 26, 2012

Tonto Dikeh’s video, another Nollywood flick

Perhaps I was wrong to defend the quality of Tonto Dikeh’s first single ‘Get High’ on the ground that it was a cheap publicity stunt which Nigerian music lovers bought without thinking twice. I saw nothing wrong with actors and actresses trying to do music, if musicians are free to feature in movies as well. It is a free world where everyone is free to try anything.
I was wrong because she just dropped another disappointment in the video of the song which I can rate as another Nollywood flick, where movies are just made for the sake of making movies and not for the sake of making quality movies.
Thank God Nollywood producers are taking time to make movies these days and movies made here are going places around the world, which is something Tonto Dikeh should have copied.
To me, Tonto shot the video because she wanted to be on news again, or she wanted to improve on her CV as an artiste, but music is never meant to be rushed, and probably she skipped that page on her music book.
I see nothing spectacular about the video owing to Tonto’s vast experience in Nollywood and her exposure to the making quality movies and videos.
Did she even watch that video? The part she said that the inspiration keeps flowing in.
What is inspiring about the song and the video?
My grand mum could have done better with her budget on the video, unless the video shot didn’t cost her a thing.
My advice to Tonto is that she should stay away from Nollywood theme song producers, at least Google  can help her find the right person if she types in the right key words on the search bar.
Tonto might have the zeal, but she has proven beyond reasonable doubt that the talent to do music is something she doesn’t have at the moment. She can grow it, she can learn it or she can still copy it, but all we need from her is nothing but good music.
I’m a big fan of Tonto Dikeh the actress, but I doubt my love for Tonto Dikeh the musician.
We know that an album is a long a journey, and Tonto can really make experience her best teacher if she can remember what happened to the likes of Genevieve, Omotala and others in their pursuit of fame in the music world.